Monday, August 31, 2009

First day of School. Again.

Okay, so, today was indeed the first day of my senior year. Or rather, sen10r as many of my fellow seniors like to put it, since we are graduating in 2010. Clever, isn't it?
Anyhoodle, I shall list the classes I had today, in order, and tell my blog readers about them. Enrichment is the first class we go to on the first day, but normally it will be in between first and second block.

*Enrichment- Had Hoadley last year for AP English. This enrichment class is going to be the school newspaper. Small enrichment. We'll see how it goes.
1* Environmental Science- Lameish class,
but Mrs. Morehouse is SO cool. She has bright pink hair. And we all know how I love funky colors in my hair. She seems really laid back.
2* Government- Awesome class, and it will be a challenge. I've had the teacher, Mr. Coombs, for World History my Sophmore year. He is a great teacher; one of my favorites.
4* Family/personal psychology- Gonna be SUCH a cool class. Mrs. Green is awesome. 'Nuff said.
5* Critics of Society- Also going to b
e an awesome class. I had Mr. Stone last year for mythology/poetry. He is also one of my favorite teachers.

So yes. Tomorrow I will have to go to my counciler so I can change my 3* to being a peer tutor for Mr. Stone's 3* myth/poetry class, because I don't want to take Foods again. And I will have Algebra 3. Soo....pretty good first day. I'm feeling good about my la
st highschool year.

Teenagers just REALLY need to learn how to drive correctly, because most are straight up STUPID.
Until tomorrow,

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yet another movie review...sorta...again...

Watched Halloween 2 yesterday.
Definitely not as good as the first one. Rob Zombie was just spoon feeding the audience. There was no, "what's gonna happen next!?" factor.
Sure, it had its jumpy parts, and I was scared during it. But after it was over, I was over it.

Very very gory, so not for a pe
rson with a weak stomach.
The gore was pretty much the only real good part about the movie for me. Since gore is cool. Hahaha.
It just wasn't an amazing piece of cinematic production.
If a third one comes out, I wi
ll be very disappointed.

A few good parts. Mostly bad. I dunno, I'd say go see it for yourself. Just don't get your hopes up too high if you are a major Halloween fan.

Off the topic of movies, School starts Monday. Which means I will have so much more to write about!! But I don't think I will post another blog this weekend since it is almost Monday.
Until then, remember to floss!!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Blast! I haven't posted in a while. I think I am trying to cling onto the last days of summer as they are leaving quickly. Sure, I'm going to be starting senior year, but school is still school. And my school Oh well.
I'm going to go see Halloween 2 today, so another movie review should be expected today or tomorrow.
Oh jeez. I just realized that after I see the movie, I'm going to babysit tonight. "Hello paranoia, my name is Co
urtney. We've met before."

Other than that, nothing has really been go
ing on in the life of Courtney. Just enjoying the last days of summer, like I said.
So...since nothing I wrote can really ent
ertain you...lets look at a picture of an angry cat!

His computer crashed....
So, enjoy your day!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Yet another movie review...sorta...

Okay, so I saw Inglorious Basterds a few days ago, but I haven't really gotten around to getting on blogger. Busy being out and about and enjoying the last days of freedome before school.

Inglorious Basterds. AMAZING movie. So awesome. Might be a little gory, but I like gory. Even if you are not a fan of gory movies, you should still see it. The filming, the script...Everything. "The Bear Jew". hahaha.
This movie has made me a fan of Quentin Tarantino. I knew his movies were cool, but this is just sealed the deal for me.
Even though I am not the biggest fan of Brad Pitt, he does an awesome job playing his character.

Inglorious Basterds: Officially one of my favorite movies. I think I'll go to the theater to see it a few more times before it comes out on DVD. And then I must own said DVD.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Senior Sunrise.

It's been a few days since I've posted anything. But I really just had nothing to write about.
But yesterday(or this morning, rather) was senior sunrise.
All the seniors go really late at night or in the wee hours of the morning, paint a parking spot if they want one, and then we watch the sunrise.
Freakin' pointless.
And I am SO tired.
I've been awake since 8.30 am yesterday. Did not sleep until Kendra and I got to her house around 6.40ish this mo
rning. We decided to stay there instead of my house. I got four hours of sleep.
"Why? Just four? Why wouldn't you sleep in more?" is the question you are probably asking me.
Here is the answer:
My mother freaks out. Because, you know, I'm still 12 years old. So I get woken up by my phone, which worked its way to right under my ear.
Ah, the mechanical voice of, "Voice message received" in the morning. Nothing better.
Except maybe the 10+ voice m
ails from my mother, and two from my dad.
Best thing to wake up to. EVER. Really, try it some time.

Anyhoodle, that's really all I got in me for the day. But I'm going to go see Inglorious Bastards today, so expect ano
ther movie review tonight or tomorrow.

Ps: Ignore any spelling/grammar mistakes in this post. I really don't care about my lack of writing ability when I am running on FOUR hours of sleep.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another movie review...sorta...

Just got back from seeing "District 9" with my mommy.
I was slightly opposed to seeing this movie, having thought it looked dumb, but I still went for my mom. :P
ANYHOODLE, it was a rather enjoyable movie. There were some parts at the beginning when we questioned if we should just leave or not. But then we got sucked into the movie. You become attached to characters you think you won't.
You also realize that human beings are messed up. We are not very nice to things we don't understand, even if this movie was just fiction.
I also loved the way that the film was shot. If you've seen "Cloverfield", the shooting was similar, but WAY better
. It had the sense of an amateur type person, such as a news filmer, but it was still professional. The "Cloverfield" filming was horrid, but the "District 9" filming was AMAZING!

This movie is kinda hard to explain at all. You really should go see it though! Worth
it: yes!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Senior pictures.

So, got my senior pictures taken yesterday, which is professionally taken in a studio, of course. I really, really hate taking pictures in the first place, so I was already ticked off. But then, after taking pictures in the fake gown top for the year book, they took me into this room for "casual" poses and pictures. I didn't know that sitting in a fake stone castle window counted as "casual". And on Thursday, I have to go down to the river for even MORE pictures, because it's included in the senior pictures package. Woohoo....not.
I just can't smile on command. I have to think of something funny and make myself laugh, or else my smile is obviously fake, which makes me look like I'm in pain or something. It's ridiculous.
But, I must say, I looked really good in the graduation gown. Even if it was just a Velcro-on top. And it was blue. Unfortunately, when I graduate, the girls have to wear this REALLY ugly shade of gold. The guys get to wear the okay color of blue.

When the picture people post the pictures of me on their site for me, I'll post the good ones on this blog.
And...that's pretty much it for now. I'm sure that once school starts up, I'll have so much mor
e to write about.

Monday, August 17, 2009

-Insert clever title here-

So, yesterday I went to Pyramid Lake with Kendra and her family. We rode the jetski and went tubing. Flying off a tube being dragged by a jetski going at least hurts pretty bad. But SO worth the fun.

And today I got my class schedule for my last year of high school. Crazy stuff. It's a pretty easy and nice schedule though. I have two of my favorite teachers, so that is always a plus.
Registration started at 7 this morning, which is when Kendra and I went. We just rolled out of bed, brushed our teeth and ho
pped into my trusty car. I have no idea why most people there got ready and junk at 7 am JUST to go to registration. Pointless. But that's high school for ya.

Speaking of getting ready, I also have my senior pictures today. I really really hate taking pictures. Especially school pictures, because there is only one school picture in existence that I actually look good in. And this is senior year, so I HAVE to look good. The pressure is ON.

Anyway, that's all I really have to right about today...lame sauce!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Movie Review...sorta...

Went and saw The Time Traveler's Wife last night with Kendra and her parents. I, having not read the book, still wasn't too excited to see it. Kendra and her folks had read the book, and they were skeptical that the movie would be any good.

As it usually goes, I loved the movie. It made me laugh, worry, have anger and even...dare I say it...cry. Kendra cried as well, but she thought they didn't do a good job, and crammed too much. But her parents pointed out a good point; they had to cram. Her parents enjoyed it and thought they had to do it they way they did and at least they did
a good job of it.

Hm...I am now tired of the word 'they'. Oh well.

So, there you have it. The opinion of someone who didn't read it and people who did. Whether you've read the book or not, I recommend seeing the movie. Awesome acting and filming.

Ps: You know how there is always a person in the theater with an annoying, loud laugh? Try having that person as your best friend. Hahahaha.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Holy peanutdoodles.

I'm starting senior year in a few short weeks. I thought that this fact had already hit me at the beginning of the summer, like a big semi truck. Well today, that semi truck put itself into reverse and slammed into me all over again. If anyone can help collect my stray body parts, I will be very grateful.
It really seems like just yesterday I was a terrified freshman, walking into my first registration.

Nothing really happened today other than the semi truck thing. I cleaned the bathrooms and took a shower. So...nothing too exciting to talk about.
So let's look at a picture of a hobo!

So, there is your lovely hobo picture. It is really all I have to offer in this blog today. Hopefully I go do something tomorrow, so I have more to write and complain about. Courtney OUT.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Burgers for Bryan.

Went to Archie's, a bar and grill place, today for lunch to eat food. The procedes being made today are going twords Bryan's medical bills. Bryan is my best friend Kendra's uncle. He is 31, and his lung cancer came back.(he had it when he was a little boy) He has three kids, all under the age of ten and a lovely wife. So many people have been showing up all day, so it's really...i guess heart-warming would be the correct word here.

Also had an orthodontist appointment t
oday. Saw Jilian and Feather, the two assistants that Kendra and I are friends with. Yes, I'm friends with people at my orthodontist office. hahaa. You can always find friends in the oddest places, even if you are anti-social like I am.

Over all, good day. No complaints. Except people really should learn to drive better. Ugh.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Let's try this.

Okay. So, after seeing that my sister was trying out the blogging world, I thought I would hop on the metaphorical train as well. The only difference is: hers has meaning and a purpose, but mine will just be my humorous rambling and complaints about just about everything.

So, let's just see if I remember to get on this thing tomorrow.