Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My sister.

I've been doing some thinking lately, and I really miss my sister.
Of course I have missed her since she left, but I just miss her even more now.
So, this blog is pretty much dedicated to you, Cassie.
Feel special.

Cassie is pretty much the best big sister in the world.
She toughened me up when I needed it and she's the one who gave me my awesome sense of humor.
She pretty much made me who I am today, as cheesy as that sounds.
Aww, aren't we so sweet.
My mom, Cassie and I.

I know that I can turn to Cassie for anything. I bet she'd help me hide a hypothetical body, if I asked her to.
Aw, look at that sisterly love.
These pictures I am finding are soo old. But it's the best I have. Besides some recent ones when she was in the states and we went to Memphis to see them, ya'll.Like this picture. We look very similar in this picture.
I wish I had some old ones on here, like when we were a lot younger.
We used to look nothing alike.
And then as I got older, I started to look like her.

I even sound exactly like her, when I want to.
It's pretty cool.

In essence, I just want to say how much I appreciate my older sister, who I always looked up to and still do.

I miss you Cassie!!!

And I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Okay you made me cry. Thanks a lot! I would help you hide 1100 hypothetical bodies if you needed me to, but no more than that! :)
    Really though I miss and love you a whole whole lot.
